How to wear a wash and wear hair do Shampoo throughly with the preferred products for your hair and scalp Condition your hair following manufactures instructions While hair is completely wet start layering your leave-in conditioner along with your favorite products, that work best for your textured hair Try experimenting with different products to find out what works best for your desired look Using a large tooth comb,wet brush,wet comb,are examples of tools to use to work product throughly through your tresses. Beginning from the ends and working your way up the hair strands Next use your fingers to direct hair into desired style After which you can let your hair air dry completely You can diffuse the base of you tresses for stretch and fullness And waalaa Enjoy your wash and wear Your hair texture will determine how many days you can get out of this hair style and how often you will need to freshen up your look,whether you need to completely start over with a fresh shampoo or just letting the steam from your shower rejuvenate your curls another option is completely wetting the hair and conditioning then start the product layering process again Which ever you determine is best for your tresses have fun with it Your Beauty Solutions Expert Your Beauty is our duty IMKELLEY Visit our website for more hair style ideas, and don't forget to sign up to receive our news letters, monthly promotions, blogs and more @ WWW.imkelleybeauty.solutions,
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